Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Universe and Its Mysterious Ways

A strange thing happened today. I celebrated my 30th Birthday (not the strange part). Had an AMAZING Massage/Reiki Combo. Played with my nephew, went out to eat with my boyfriend. Did a little shopping. Come home, while he is sorting our laundry I go to the couch. What do I see? His small peridot crystal. One he has been missing for 1-2 months now. What do you think the universe is telling us when I find HIS Missing birthstone (August) on my birthday????? Please, some feedback would be nice!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Card of The Day

Deck: Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Card: Go For It!!

Meaning: "You prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We've been working with you on this situation since its genesis, and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present paths, as it will take you far indeed."

Thoughts: I'm finally on the right path; and I feel like I am too. Things are just starting to feel right again!! What amazing validation to pull this card. The cards help me to make what I'm feeling real...I guess confirms my "gut" feeling. AMAZING!!! The forward movement has barely started and I'm feeling the momentum to get me crusin' down
my path!!! Kundalini Reiki here I come!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Belief, I believe now, more than ever that we inherit bad chi, bad, unresolved karma from our parents and possibly our ancestors. ( on a side note...The love of my life is amazing. But it has been a struggle for us to stay together. We have both gotten in a rut and kind of lost ourselves and are at a point where we need to look in ourselves and at our relationship to see if we should stay together. Though we are still doing the "couples" things. ) We recently went to visit his mother and grandmother for Mothers Day. As soon as we got to their house I felt drained. Like I ran miles and was exhausted. Shortly after the tired feeling I started to feel depresses, like every breath I took caused my heart to break into a million, over and over and over again. It made me want to cry, it made me doubt all the feelings inside, it made me doubt my "man", it made me doubt life. I've never felt that before. Visiting them I always felt drained, but never the heart ache. I instinctively physically started to block my man from their viewing, trying to absorb their negativity. In doing so i felt even more drained, even more sad. But I did it anyway because usually when we go visit them HE is very snippy and snappy with them with a permanent scowl when we are with them. But I was able to absorb all the energy from them so it didn't affect him. For six hours i did this, to my surprise he felt it, he was able to see it and feel my power deflecting their bad energy. He said it was a bright orange like citrine. I've never seen him able to smile when we are with them. He usually fights them, debates every statement they make and he and I both leave angry and frustrated. Not this time, this time he was able to relax, enjoy their time together, laugh! It was amazing. Maybe a holistic career is calling me...We will see.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Thought...

Don't set an expectation that leads to someone being let down. The constant let down is a terrible feeling. One, words don't quite capture.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Next Area of Interest...Crystal Reflexology...To be continued


Through my spiritual journey I am trying everything that interest me. Which is a new thing for me. I am typically very timid when trying new things. But life has brought me to a place where being timid has held me back. SO timid Nicole is thing of the past...(unless it suits me) Recently I have reconnected with an old friend from college. She now is a massage and reiki therapist. I have never heard of Reiki. So, I asked my friend Courtney to tell me about it. I thought my friend could use some holistic healing. She in brief tells me about how Reiki is about energies and how channeling them could help the healing process. She recommend I go to a Reiki circle. To get a taste of what it is all about, to see if it is something that could help me. Taking her advice I planned on going with a good friend of mine (timid nicole). We planned on going to Heart to Hearth to try a Reiki circle out. My friend flaked on me so I was going back and forth on going solo (timid nicole). In the end I forced myself to go. To experience something I was kind of scared of. Scared because I didn't know what to expect or what I was getting myself into...Maybe my timidness is due to needing to be in control. ANYWAYS. Everyone there was super welcoming and warm. The reiki circle was hosted by Reiki Master Marion Hakata. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had. I took a chair at random and met a wonderful woman named Viola. I was happy to hear she had a reiki session with Marion before and said this was going to be an awesome experience. So, I was waiting to be wowed. And I was...We started with a meditation and prayer. To open our hearts and minds and invite all beings, guardians, reiki masters to be with us and help us. Marion went over some Reiki etiquette, said it is great to work on chakras, joints, or where ever you felt like you should focus on and we started. I declined to be the first. I needed to see how it all went down. A reiki practitioner went first, she laid on the table. Marion was working on her crown, I had my hands hovering over her elbow and an other woman was on her knee and the last was at her feet. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and focused my heart and mind on her elbow. I didn't "feel" anything at first but I kept my focus...All of a sudden I felt "it". It felt like energy was shooting down through my crown chakra, down through my arms and out through my hands. I didn't know if she felt anything but i did. Each person received about 15-20 minutes of reiki. Three people went before me. With each person I felt more and more comfortable. At first we did not do hands on, but I felt the "power". The second and third person we did "hands on" reiki. Being able to make that physical contact made a huge difference. By the time we did the second to last person I could feel the pull to move my hands to different places on the womans body. I started on her elbow but felt a pull to her wrist. So I went with it. When I thought of a happy moment I feel like what ever it was I was channeling was pouring through me. Like a tidal wave of happiness. My arms and body were cold but my hands were warm. Is that normal? So, Finally it was my turn. I hopped on the table, laid down, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed. The ladies did their thing on me!!! I felt like I was a magnet for all the positive, beautiful, peaceful energy the universe had. My eyes were closed but I could see the white energy around me it felt like I was in a cocoon. I could feel the pressure of hands all over my body, even though there was only three people doing the reiki on me. My session came to an end, as everyone took their hands off of me I could feel the energy pull back, but I still felt the pressure of hands on my sacral chakra area, even though I know no one was doing reiki. Marion touched my ankles and I opened my eyes. I didn't want it to stop. But all good things come to an end. The great thing was after we go to do a Reiki session on Marion. Got to give the Reiki Master some Reiki. She said she never gets Reiki done on herself. So it was quite an experience. Afterward had sharing time. We went around to share how it felt for each of us. I was told I have "gentle energy" . Marion even said my energy was so strong for a first timer that I probably was a healer in a past life....Hmmm...Things to ponder. The universe is an amazing thing. You can never out smart it. You are always on the path you are supposed to be on. Whether or not you are willing to open your eyes and pay attention is up to you. So, Open your eyes and start looking for opportunities or other paths for you to explore!


Question of the day...When meditating has your peaceful space been interrupted with thoughts? Today I was doing a guided meditation (thanks Fragrant Heart) to clear my Chakras. About halfway through a seven minute meditation a thought popped into my head. It was a thought, subconscious perhaps? BUT....This isn't the first time this has happened. A couple of weeks ago I was doing a relaxation meditation before bed mid-way though it I was snapped out of my deep meditative state. I had an anxious feeling about my boyfriend. I was worried and a little scared for him. So I texted him and asked him to be careful, take care of himself. Weird thing was he was not well. He hadn't eaten all day and was getting very weak. My meditative state linked me to him... Linked may be a bad word, how about connected me to him. Since then I have felt very connected to him. I can pick up the phone before he calls or texts, I get feelings that can't be ignored or explained. Could meditating be opening my heart and mind up to scenes I've suppressed? Thoughts?